Collection exhaustive de morceaux de musique psychédélique classés par vitesse en battements par minute, sans ponctuation.
Source : Ektoplazm
Mots classés par occurrences :
The of in a two and on space you time is mind my no from dark your I life & for forest world night love with one dream it sun alien light are dub out cosmic we trip deep into new universe lost reality earth dance all magic me planet sky power human not this up acid moon dreams brain journey soul sound do psychedelic what liquid way strange darkness like future high black machine blue inner back last go eyes mental spirit dimension green end ancient crystal god chapter twisted at broken morning beyond drop step day energy secret vision rain man tree digital through little jungle zero by music chaos free spiral stars old consciousness fractal ghost frequency trance white peace land nature tales sunrise galaxy natural travel experience nothing inside noise dust off away when down shadow unknown people good star another self real frequencies technology face head control where paradise storm madness return tribal it’s system monster path aliens party first fire temple come now something full here funk eye take illusion flight circle beat sacred monkey evolution call more quantum crazy mountain see galactic heart point side who visions signal endless electric silent infinity […]
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